アイドルグループ「AKB48」グループのメンバーらが女子プロレスラーを演じた連続ドラマ「豆腐プロレス」(テレビ朝日系)のイベント「豆腐プロレス The REAL 2017 WIP CLIMAX」が8月29日、後楽園ホール(東京都文京区後楽)で開かれた。ファイナルマッチに「チェリー宮脇」のリングネームで出場した宮脇咲良さんは、試合に敗れて涙を流し、「(現実とリングの)境目がなくなり、負けて相手がベルトを受け取っている瞬間は本当にくやしかった。ガチ泣きしたのは初めてかも」と悔しそうに振り返り、「現実の世界でも負けを感じることが多いので、勝った達成感を味わいたいと心から思った」と次戦での勝利を誓った。
Miyawaki Sakura, Tofu Wrestling The REAL 2017 WIP CLIMAX Interview 2
The event “Tofu Wrestling The REAL 2017 WIP CLIMAX” of the TV drama “Tofu Wrestling” (TV Asahi) in which members of the idol group “AKB48” play professional female wrestlers was held at Korakuen Hall (Koraku, Bunkyo, Tokyo).
Miyawaki Sakura – who participated in the final in the ring named “Cherry Miyawaki” cried for losing, she looked back the match with regret: “The boundary (between the reality and the ring) has no longer existed.
It was so disappointed at the time of losing and seeing the competitor winning the belt.
It may be also the first time when I have burst into tears.
” She also swore that she would win in the next match: “Even in the reality, the feeling of losing is also strong, so from the bottom of my heart, I want to taste the victory.”
Besides, when talking about this event, after expressing her thought “The event has become No. 1 “Kami event” this year.
The number of members may increase and I also hope that from now on, members can together bring in the profound impression”.
She also revealed her surprising expectation “Heel (a crazy wrestler) is also cool, isn’t it…”
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