NBCSN shutting down, sports moving to USA Network. Will WWE be impacted?: Wrestling Observer Live

Bryan and Mike discuss the closing of NBCSN, sports moving to the USA Network, the future of Raw and NXT and more. [January 22, 2021]

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2 years ago

I hope USA Network moves to Peacock Premium Plus same with all the NBC channels

2 years ago

Cable is dying a slow death

NoCap 757
2 years ago

I'm happy they didn't go to ESPN + UFC events are like 80 bucks even with a ESPN sub. I was pissed when I found out WWE might be doing a deal with them a year ago because I knew what was coming

Edward Kelly
2 years ago

What that means for EPL? I honestly don’t care about NASCAR or any Wrestling promotion

Jesus Manuel Ortiz Delvalle

I love nascar Racing on tv

Ken Brzezinski
2 years ago

lol predicting and end to raw or that USA is gonna short them, hilarious.

peter lee
2 years ago

Everyone on the wrestling business is playing noughts and crosses while vince is doing 4D chess and ahead of the game again

Has he lost it as a Booker?? Sure he has but as a business man?? Mans a living genius

2 years ago

Soon their cock network known as "Peacock" will be gone too.

2 years ago

Smh… “or Friday night at 8 o’clock”

And NASCAR isn’t holding a race on Wednesday night. NHL is the only thing that could affect NXT.

2 years ago

The NHL will go with 2 American TV partners, so that makes NXT's situation even murkier. The NBC Sports Group won't be the only American NHL national rights holder.

Allison Kelly
2 years ago

I Wish NBCSN Would Renew on 2022

Adam Weishaupt
2 years ago

A cowardly defeated retreat by WWE. AE-Dub AE-Dub AE-Dub.

Dorian Arnold
2 years ago

This means the WWE won't be as high priority for the USA Network as other sports will be.. With the ending of NBCSN.

2 years ago

NXT to Tuesday would destroy IMPACT

2 years ago

How about, Cut Raw down to 2 hours and have NXT be on before Raw for 1 hour? It's too funny the incredible ratings these News Entertainment shows get, exploit societal woes for record breaking ratings. "Clever girl." And yet the sheep eat it up. Remove the news channels and the show is 3rd on cable? That's insane.

Steve, my good man!
2 years ago

What did Joey Janela do to get fired from AEW?

Nihal Hosen
2 years ago

I left my work because of this here look up on the internet for g r e a t e a s y p a y

Lelouch vi Britannia
2 years ago

Nxt only had a 2 year deal and it was only 30m so it’s doesn’t cost the network that much. I can see nxt moving networks to stay on Wednesday. There are only there to prevent Aew from reaching raw

Nathan Bisbo
2 years ago

the races are Sundays and Saturdays fwi that said nascar has messed with wesday night raceing

2 years ago

If I were USA I would offer WWE Less money you promised to get these Ratings but got those Ratings. We’re not paying this much for a Dismal return. Oh and NXT Sorry we have to move that, if you don’t like it. We don’t have to Pay for it we can cancel it! Make Vince sweat his Pants someone has to stand up to him. I mean he’s 75 who cares if he’s the Boss… Like most people have never told there Boss to shove it once or twice. If anything they would say you know I didn’t know you had that in you I like it.

2 years ago

Moving NXT to another day would be Vince admitting his plan didn’t work.

2 years ago

I think folks should call Brian NeckBeard from now on. Idiot.

theSuper viLLain_est1990

Aww man I love pro football talk on NBC sports :/

James R
2 years ago

Two hour Raw, followed by an hour NXT would probably be the best thing that could happen to the WWE.

Also the NHL is renegoating it's TV rights soon. I'm guessing ESPN gets a big chunk of that and USA opperates more in the same mold that TNT/TBS do for the NBA.

John Hill
2 years ago

NXT will be moved to either Tuesday or Thursday nights on USA, though they may move it to Peacock if WWE is keen for that kind of arrangement.

DandA Wrestling
2 years ago

It will continue to be difficult for NXT as AEW has a bigger and more different presentation and as AEW is gaining more traction and visibility with all these celebrity cameos appearing like Snoop and soon Shaq.

2 years ago

USA has gotta be pissed!! The return USA is getting on their WWE investments compared to TNT and AEW is strikingly bad

Hulk Hulk
2 years ago

Cryptocurrency /forex trading is a big chance to make money nowadays, if you can't see that at this point is time you learn more about it

Tommy Francis
2 years ago

Problem is that NBC's NHL deal expires at the end of the year.

2 years ago

I'd rather watch the Mecum auto auctions than WWE

N. Diddy
2 years ago

NXT is better than AEW.

Mark Facebook
2 years ago

This news wont affect NXT. Most of the sports NBCSN had the rights to were "weekend sports" like PGA and NASCAR. Bryan and people beholden to AEW are just blowing smoke up WWE's ass.

John Marcus
2 years ago

Jelly Nutella

Victor Henriquez
2 years ago

A show could be good dont mean tv rating is going to be good (nxt)

Joshua Clark
2 years ago

It’s so weird that ratings are dissected to this level with wrestling. No other fans of a tv show or entertainment treat the product they love this way. It’s as if we as wrestling fans are trying to convince ourselves that that the business is ‘over’ when clearly it’s not.

2 years ago

British premier league Mike? It's English buddy, us Scottish have out own leagues thanks.

Dan wood guitars
2 years ago

Damn fucking raw adverts during games now great

The Brave Introvert
2 years ago

Monday – RAW
Tuesday – Impact and NWA
Wednesday – Dynamite and MLW
Thursday – NXT
Friday – Smackdown

2 years ago

This isn’t gonna help raw at all. People who watch real sports do not care

Newkey Aaron
2 years ago

I stopped my 9-5 thanks to that here look up on the internet this g r e a t e a s y p a y

P.D. S
2 years ago

WWE's treatment of USA thinking they're a "Sure thing" just backfired.

Why air 3 hours of shit tv with Raw when you can air One and half games, that bring in the demos?

USA is going to look at Sports, the way WWE looked at Fox with Smackdown.

Mando's World
2 years ago

I get a kick out of Brian's and Mike's dynamic because sometimes you can tell when Mike wants to have a legit shoot match. What I avoid is the numbers chat, can't stand it, won't stand it. It is also weird to hear Meltzer rather than reading him, he must have an excellent editor that is good with the,"ummmms" and "uhhhhs," and like, you know… But like, the mastery of demos and you know, but, I guess what I mean, is like, you can do good speculations, but ummmm… and the end of the dayyyyyyy…. You know?

I'd rather not pay for a archive whatever thousands of hours to hear a commutative 3 hours of "Ummmms," "Huhhhhhhhs" and especially, "You knows…" Lance storm stuff and the other dude is good, but man talking demos is where I draw the line.

Hearing demo talk makes me aware that I may have a problem caring too much into something that is predetermined and that I should maybe take a hike. Hearing the demos makes me feel like the political asshole across the bar bitching about something he has no control over. If we wanted a run of the numbers, then we'd see it being constantly brought up in wrestlezone. You're just being the Michael Cole of the internet at this point, just shoving things down our throats that nobody asked for, and making a thing of it.

It was a great sell on this youtube channel, but I gotta go with a hard pass on the subscription request, even go with a "dont recommend this channel" option. Keep up the great work fellas, I just can't casually listen to demographics analysis of a corporation, and I just find it odd that the exact age of people watching is and the age range between hours is fully cataloged and redistributed so quickly.. There are so many variables such as a teenager viewing the program when the parent is paying the billl. Someone please educate me on this, how is it that all this data within the US alone is able to both document and pinpoint down to the age and time that an individual is watching. That is both intrusive and scary now that I think about it.. Whats up with that?

2 years ago

I like Mike but his statements that show his way of thinking is part of AEW's issue with growth if they agree. The premiere of AEW Dynamite saw 1.4M people tune in. This should be considered their floor. AEW should be trying to get at least 1.4M viewers a week and the fact Mike thinks that 800K is fine would explain AEW's stagnation if they believe the same. AEW cannot grow if they are not trying to draw new fans. Customers come and go, the idea is that you have more customers coming in than going out. The way I see it AEW will either have to grow its audience or it will die a slow death just like the WWE.

Alpha 06
2 years ago

If sports replace nxt, wouldn't it be more competition for aew ?

Lukas Skeirys
2 years ago

will give Joey another go, if he stops with the intergender matches 😀

Doug Daniels
2 years ago


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