Paul Bearer has made a grave mistake, and he knows it. He’ll do whatever it takes to get Undertaker back in control. What does Undertaker think about it? He’s d...
Denver says his name, and Joe Hendry appears ahead of his NXT Championship showdown with Ethan Page. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network,...
今年で47回目を迎えた東京スポーツ新聞社制定「2020年度プロレス大賞」授与式が都内で行われ、技能賞はDDTのKO―D無差別級王者・遠藤哲哉(29)が初受賞。受賞に大喜びの遠藤は、今年の目標を「日本一エロすぎるグラドル“森咲智美”とのスキャンダル」と豪語した。 The 2020 Pro Wrestling Awards...
▼▽▼▽▼▽ チャンネル登録、よろしくお願いします。 Please subscribe to my channel. ご視聴ありがとうございました! Thanks you for watching ! ▼▽▼▽▼▽ ARENA:BLOOM JPN 01 自分の思い通りに作ることが出来なかった会場です。残念。 #STAR...
The Empress of Tomorrow takes on the dangerous Liv Morgan one day before they are set to compete inside the Elimination Chamber for an opportunity to face the R...